Janitor Charged with Spreading Herpes to Multiple Women
1 min read

Janitor Charged with Spreading Herpes to Multiple Women

A Texas janitor is facing an unprecedented lawsuit after rubbing his penis inside the water bottles of 13 female colleagues, giving them incurable herpes. The women have sued Lucio Diaz, 50, who worked at a doctor’s office in Austin, Texas, for a staggering $1 million, citing severe physical and mental anguish. They have suffered as a result of this disgusting act.

The incident came to light when one of the women noticed an unusual taste in her water bottle and reported it to the authorities. Upon investigation, authorities discovered that Diaz had been engaging in such behavior for some time, and management had overlooked any signs of misconduct. All 13 women tested positive for herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2), an incurable sexually transmitted infection.

The lawsuit claims that the women have experienced “severe emotional distress”. Of this incident and are seeking compensation for their physical and mental anguish. They are also asking for punitive damages to be awarded against Diaz for his disturbing behavior.

This case raises serious questions about workplace safety measures. Employers must take all necessary steps to ensure their employees’ safety while on the job, including conducting regular background checks on all new hires. Implementing strict security protocols and providing adequate training on appropriate workplace conduct.

No one should ever have to experience something so traumatic while at work. Employers should do everything in their power to prevent such incidents from occurring. If found guilty of these charges, Janitor Diaz will likely face significant disciplinary action as this behavior is unacceptable in any setting.


Reference:  dailymail.co.uk