Best Herpes Support Forums on the Internet: Get Help 24*7

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We all need someone who can understand us in difficult times. Suppose you have recently discovered herpes or have been dealing with it for over 20 years. It would be best if you had someone to listen to your story because you deserve it. So join these herpes support forums.

Online forums help you connect with people with similar problems and stories. These Herpes Support Forums make it easy for you to express yourself at every point in time. So you do not have to worry about anything. All you have to do is join these herpes support forums and get started.

It is imperative to note that these herpes support forums are free and can help you connect with people who can help you somehow. So now it is time to stop feeling lonely and connect with a world meant for you.

Best communities for herpes singles and HSV Singles

Are you looking for a supportive and understanding community to connect with other herpes singles and HSV singles? Living with herpes can be challenging, but you don’t have to face it alone. We’ve compiled a list of the best communities where you can meet like-minded individuals, find support, and potentially even discover love. Here are the top online and offline communities for herpes and HSV singles.

Herpes Support Forum for PositiveSingles    visit button

PositiveSingles is more than a dating platform—it’s a community for Herpes Support Forums and HSV singles. With over 1 million users, it offers over 20,000 daily conversations and has 15,000+ active members daily.

It’s one of the largest communities for people with herpes, providing a supportive environment. Members share stories, seek advice, and learn from each other’s experiences. These herpes support forums often lead to offline meetings, forging real-life connections beyond the virtual realm.

herpes support forums

The uniqueness of this community lies in its content. Famous for its PositiveSingles Blog, this platform posts several inspiring stories to help people with herpes stay motivated. Various blog posts and threads on dating advice, discussions, and the latest trends exist.

Some of the latest and trending threads include – I Love My Body, Moving Forward, Baby Talk, No Time, etc. After the author posts a particular post, all the members can comment and express their views.

In short, there is some useful content for every user that signs up!

PositiveSingles Platform also has private chatrooms that can help users to talk to each other. People here can share anything with anyone they feel comfortable with. These chatrooms allow users to openly express their queries and concerns in just a few clicks. Undoubtedly, the world of the internet and platforms like Positive Singles have made it easy for herpes singles to talk to people who won’t judge them or discourage them.

PositiveSingles Ensure Their Data Is Secure

However, if you consider the security of these chats and private data, PositiveSingles ensures that all their website’s data is encrypted and well protected.

A team at the backend keeps an eye on the data systems and their security.

PositiveSingles has left a mark in the world by becoming a community with a platform that provides something for everyone. It is easier for people to move ahead despite suffering from herpes.

This platform is a blessing in disguise for all those who want to love again, work again and fix themselves. If you know someone single, then recommend this platform to them.


If you want to be a part of an ever-growing community for herpes singles, then Honeycomb is just what you are looking for! With various sub-forums, you can find issues, causes, problems, or discussion threads you can relate to.

herpes support

You must sign up for free and interact with the community. With more than 5,00,000 posts, 70,000 followers, and 71,000 topics, so many questions and answers can help you!

Make sure that as soon as you sign up, you check out their “Just Signed Up? Say Hello Here!” A subforum to find people who have stories like yours. Another very famous subforum of the Honeycomb community is the “Connect with Other Hsv singles.” Here, you will find the maximum number of herpes singles suffering from genital or oral herpes. So you can start discussing your problems here.

It is worth noting that the honeycomb offline meetups are also very helpful with a huge user base. You can meet people around you who have the same problems and issues. This way, when sometimes all you need is a real person in front of you rather than the flashing screen, you can find someone you can relate to.

Suppose you are concerned about the security of your data, as Honeycomb is an open and search-indexed community. In that case, you must note that Honeycomb treats your security as its priority. 

Even after being an open community, the backend team of developers at Honeycomb makes sure to help you with the best encryption technologies to safeguard your data.

Hence, it is among the most secure and popular herpes support forums amongst herpes singles and HSV singles.

Pink Tent by Dr. Kelly

This is one of the most famous herpes communities amongst women, started by Dr. Keller, who was diagnosed with herpes at 23. Her encounter with herpes made her write the famous book. Live, Love, and Thrive With Herpes and eventually form a community for women suffering from herpes.

herpes support forum

This community focuses on supporting women dealing with herpes and the associated social and mental stigma. Men are welcome to join, though the community primarily consists of women. It aims to provide a safe space where women can find understanding and support for their experiences with herpes.

If you enjoy Dr Keller’s work and initiatives, joining this community is an honour. Dr. Keller herself posts in the community groups sometimes.

Pink Tent is believed to be one of the most targeted communities globally for herpes singles and HSV singles. To join this community, you must sign up for free and interact with like-minded people.

The best part of the Pink Tent forum is that it has a few courses, blogs, and podcasts to help its silent users with some astounding information content pieces which are inspirational, motivating, and highly informative. The Pink Tent community also organizes various meet-ups that can help you meet your community peers offline.

Herpes Opportunity Support Forum visit button

If you are living with herpes, having a supportive community that understands what you are going through is essential. This is where the Herpes Support Forum on can be incredibly beneficial.

With 70,000 posts and 10,000 topics, the Herpes Support Forum is once again a growing community of herpes singles worldwide. The tagline the forum uses is – It is not a Deal breaker. It is an opportunity to help users see the other side of the story.

The forum tries to help users to see herpes as an opportunity to rediscover themselves. Subforums like motivational quotes, Love Happens, Moving Forward, and much more help you to find something relatable.

herpes support

All the subforums are open threads; hence, you can express your story openly. Also, the community is a great place to purchase audio courses to help herpes singles. 

Courses cover self-care, dating, relationships, talking, sex & intimacy, and empowering herpes singles. They offer tools for a fulfilling life without self-doubt, even if you’re not ready to enrol immediately. Download free handbooks and E-Books to begin your journey toward personal growth and understanding.

To get started on the Herpes Support Forum, create a free account and join the conversation. You can browse the forums, post your questions or comments, and respond to others’ posts. You can also send private messages to other members for more personal support.

The Herpes Support Forum is a great way to connect with others going through similar experiences and find the resources you need to live a happy and fulfilling life with herpes. Join the conversation on today!

HerpesCureAdvocacy: visit button is a website that advocates for herpes cure research and encourages visitors to join the movement. The website may provide information on current research efforts into herpes cure and highlight the importance of raising awareness and funding for this research.

herpes cure advocacy

Joining the movement means becoming part of a community dedicated to advocating for a herpes cure. Raise awareness about the impact of herpes on individuals and communities. Provide support for those living with herpes through advocacy efforts. This community includes individuals with herpes, healthcare professionals, and advocacy organizations.

Visit HerpesCureAdvocacy for information on how to get involved in advocacy, lobbying, or fundraising for research. They may also find resources for managing their herpes symptoms and connecting with support networks.

MedHelp Herpes Community

The MedHelp Herpes Community is a large, medically-focused online support group dedicated to individuals dealing with herpes. It offers a blend of peer support and professional medical advice, making it a reliable resource for comprehensive herpes-related information.

Key Features

  • Expert Advice: Get guidance from healthcare professionals who offer reliable medical information within the community.
  • Comprehensive Q&A Sections: Ask specific questions and receive detailed responses from both experts and experienced community members.
  • Searchable Archives: Quickly find relevant information in the rich archive of past discussions and topics discussed by the community.

Why Join?

Joining the MedHelp Herpes Community gives you a trusted platform. Seek medical advice and ask questions from knowledgeable members. Whether you have specific health concerns or need general support, find it here. Access valuable resources and a wealth of information on managing herpes. Engage with a supportive community dedicated to helping you effectively navigate herpes management.

DailyStrength Herpes Support Group

The DailyStrength Herpes Support Group is a part of the broader DailyStrength network, which hosts various health-related support groups. Specifically tailored for individuals dealing with herpes, this community provides a supportive environment where members can find understanding, encouragement, and practical advice.

Key Features

  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible for users to participate in discussions and access resources.
  • Multiple Support Groups: Members have the option to join various related support groups within the DailyStrength network, facilitating connections with others facing similar challenges.
  • Emotional and Practical Support: The community fosters both emotional support through shared experiences and practical support through tips, strategies, and advice from peers who understand the realities of living with herpes.

Why Join?

Joining the DailyStrength Herpes Support Group connects you with a diverse community. You’ll find individuals who share similar experiences and challenges. Seek emotional support from understanding peers. Get practical tips and strategies for managing herpes effectively. Enjoy a supportive and inclusive environment where you can connect with like-minded individuals.

Reddit r/Herpes

Reddit r/Herpes is a dedicated subreddit created for individuals seeking support, information, and discussions related to herpes. It serves as a virtual community where users can engage anonymously and openly share their experiences, questions, and insights regarding herpes.

Key Features

  • Anonymous Posting: Users can participate in discussions and seek advice without revealing their identities, ensuring privacy and comfort.

  • Wide Range of Topics: Reddit r/Herpes discusses symptoms, treatments, personal stories, and emotional support, meeting diverse needs.

  • Community Engagement: Active participation fosters support and solidarity among members facing similar situations.

  • Upvote/Downvote System: The system highlights valuable content and ensures useful information is prioritized in discussions.

URL: Reddit r/Herpes

Why Join?

Joining Reddit r/Herpes offers a supportive and informative community. It connects individuals affected by herpes to share experiences. Access a wealth of knowledge on symptoms, treatments, and coping strategies. Whether seeking emotional support or practical advice, find it here. Engage in discussions with like-minded individuals navigating similar challenges.

Make sure you win this battle with herpes.

All the best!


Living with herpes doesn’t mean you have to isolate yourself from the dating world or supportive communities. These communities cater to herpes singles and HSV singles, offering companionship and understanding. They provide opportunities for finding love and support. Joining these communities can greatly improve your well-being. You’ll connect with individuals who understand your experiences and challenges. It’s a significant step toward emotional and social enrichment.