Advice for Starting a New Relationship after a Quarantine
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Advice for Starting a New Relationship after a Quarantine

While breakups are rarely easy, getting over them and moving on to a new relationship after a breakup during quarantine can be difficult. You’re stuck in quarantine and socially distanced from the support of your friends and family. And most of your regular coping mechanisms like going out dancing with friends or even traveling for a change in scenery aren’t available to you right now.

But just because you can’t do any of these things doesn’t mean you’re destined for months of grief. That’s why we’ve compiled these tips to guide you on what to do after a relationship breaks up and when to start a new relationship after a breakup. When you’re ready to start dating, you use any dating site from this best dating site review.

Reach Out to Family and Friends

People Laughing During Daytime

Human connection is crucial after a breakup. Knowing that someone is there to listen to you vent and cry about your breakup can be cathartic. You can still connect with friends and family during social distancing. Take an online workout class together for some fun bonding. Chat over a cocktail during a Zoom happy hour. Use Netflix Party for a virtual movie night. Seek relationship advice from peers who have experienced breakups.

Don’t Stalk Your Ex

After a breakup, it can be tempting to check your ex’s social media to find out what they are up to or how they are handling the situation. Seeing photos of your ex looking happy isn’t going to make you feel better. Remember, social media is where we put our best foot forward, so seeing them look happy doesn’t mean they’re easily gotten over the relationship. Your best bet is to unfollow or mute them. You should also avoid posting about your relationship.

Give Yourself Space to Process the Breakup

Every relationship ends for a reason, so taking the time to process the breakup can help you see where things went wrong. Write down what you learned from the relationship, as this will help ensure that you don’t repeat the same mistakes when you finally get into another relationship after a breakup. It’s also important to maintain a positive attitude, so try to look at the breakup as an opportunity to heal and grow for future relationships.

The good thing is, there’re minimal distractions during quarantine, so you have time to examine your feelings and your previous relationship. It will likely be painful and uncomfortable to face your emotions, but pain can be a catalyst for something much greater. It might be the final push you need to get over it and be ready for your first relationship after a breakup.

Engaging in Healthy, Fun Distractions Helps to Start a New Relationship after a Breakup

new relationship

Use the extra time to pursue passions like cooking, painting, or workouts. Engaging in activities you love can help you move past your breakup. Investing in hobbies and exercise can improve your next relationship. Fill your life with healthy and meaningful pursuits, such as hobbies and friendships. Establishing a separate identity from your relationship is essential for personal growth. Having things to look forward to each day boosts your well-being and resilience.

Start Online Dating

A big part of moving on is getting into a relationship after a breakup. While in-person dating isn’t an option at the moment, you can start online dating as soon as you feel ready. Getting out there can help bolster your confidence. You also get to meet new people and connect with them. While you may not immediately find a new relationship after a breakup, you’ll slowly get over your ex and be excited about someone new.


These tips will help you healthily get over your ex and start a new relationship after a breakup. Stay strong and stay present. Do you have any other tips on how to restart a relationship after a breakup? Let us know in the comments.

 Author’s bio: 

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relationship and psychology area. Miranda explores topics related to building healthy relationships among people. She has a keen interest in understanding love and sex compatibility. Miranda is intrigued by the quest to find the right balance in life. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.